Community NSD Support

NSD is used in mission critical environments such as DNS root servers and various Top Level Domains. This is possible because NLnet Labs is fully committed to maintaining the software and releasing new functionality and bug fixes on a regular basis. In addition, we actively collaborate with other leading DNS software providers on functionality and security, fostering a healthy DNS ecosystem. In the unlikely event that NLnet Labs can no longer commit to maintaining NSD, we will announce this at least two years in advance.

While NLnet Labs is committed to fix security issues and software bugs, as well as carefully assessing feature requests, the foundation can only provide best effort community support through the mailing list.

Professional Services

In case you require professional support with a Service Level Agreement, our wholly owned subsidiary Open Netlabs can provide this for NSD, Unbound, Rotonda, Krill and Routinator. We offer support contracts at various service levels. They allow direct access to our highly skilled developers and technical specialists, with years of experience in Internet infrastructure standards.

Purchasing our services also means direct support to the research and development activities of NLnet Labs. This support helps us in developing a long term sustainable business model, backing the continuity of NLnet Labs and assuring that its contribution to the international Internet community can be continued for years to come.

Please see our Support Contracts page for details on our service offerings.