The NLnet Labs package repository currently hosts Krill, Routinator, RTRTR and dnsi. We are committed to offering packages for stable releases of major Linux operating systems, including Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and compatible operating systems such as Rocky Linux.

Packages are available for amd64/x86_64 architecture for all operating systems. For some distributions we also offer armhf and arm64 architecture packages, depending on the testing hardware we have available.

Once a release reaches End-of-Life (EOL) as stated by the operating system maintainer, we will no longer provide new packages for it. Existing packages will remain available on our package repository for up to one year after EOL has been reached.

As a general guideline, we start building packages for new operating system releases in the following version of our products. This may take several weeks or months, depending on our release schedule. You are welcome to open an issue in case of missing packages, though make sure to check for duplicates first.

Please refer to the documentation of each product to see which binaries are available and how to install them.