Longitudinal RPKI study presented at IMC 2019

Published: Fri 08 November 2019
Last updated: Tue 04 March 2025

Two NLnet Labs team members, Tim Bruijnzeels and Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, contributed to a longitudinal study of the RPKI ecosystem. The study, presented at the Internet Measurement Conference 2019, analyses the development of RPKI since its inception in 2011. The study uses an open data set of all RPKI repositories collected and made available by RIPE. The most important conclusion from the study is that "RPKI is ready for the big screen" with a significant increase in data quality over the past two years.

The team that worked on this paper was a collaboration between academia and industry, with members from Rochester Institute of Technology, the University of Twente, NLnet Labs, Northeastern University, RIPE NCC, Max Planck Institut für Informatik, University of Maryland, Duke University, Akamai and Cloudflare.

Tijay Chung presents the paper at IMC

Tijay Chung (Rochester Institute of Technology) presents the paper at IMC 2019 -- photo credit: Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

About IMC 2019

The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) is an annual conference that aims to present top quality work in the area of Internet measurements. IMC 2019 was the 19th edition of the conference and took place October 21-23 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the University of Twente at the KIT Royal Tropical Institute. NLnet Labs' principal scientist Roland van Rijswijk-Deij was one of the general chairs of the conference, and NLnet Labs was bronze supporter of the conference.

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research rpki