ldns Directory Reference


 This file contains the definition of ldns_buffer, and functions to manipulate those.
 Common definitions for LDNS.
 This module contains base functions for creating and verifying TLSA RR's with PKIX certificates, certificate chains and validation stores.
 dname contains function to read and manipulate domain names.
 This module contains base functions for DNSSEC operations (RFC4033 t/m RFC4035).
 Defines error numbers and functions to translate those to a readable string.
 Specifies some higher level functions that could be useful for certain applications.
 host2str.h - txt presentation of RRs
 Contains all functions to translate the main structures to wire format.
 Addendum to dnssec.h, this module contains key and algorithm definitions and functions.
 Including this file will include all ldns files, and define some lookup tables.
 Contains functions to send and receive packets over a network.
 Contains the definition of ldns_pkt and its parts, as well as functions to manipulate those.
 Contains some low-level parsing functions, mostly used in the _frm_str family of functions.
 Radix tree.
 Red black tree.
 Defines ldns_rdf and functions to manipulate those.
 Defines the ldns_resolver structure, a stub resolver that can send queries and parse answers.
 Contains the definition of ldns_rr and functions to manipulate those.
 Defines some extra convenience functions for ldns_rr structures.
 str2host.h - conversion from str to the host fmt
 Defines functions for TSIG usage.
 Defines functions to perform UPDATE queries.
 Contains functions that translate dns data from the wire format (as sent by servers and clients) to the internal structures.