ldns_rr_list * ldns_get_rr_list_addr_by_name(ldns_resolver *r, const ldns_rdf *name, ldns_rr_class c, uint16_t flags)
Ask the resolver about name and return all address records.
ldns_rr_list * ldns_get_rr_list_hosts_frm_fp(FILE *fp)
wade through fp (a /etc/hosts like file) and return a rr_list containing all the defined hosts in the...
void ldns_print_rr_rdf(FILE *fp, ldns_rr *r, int rdfnum,...)
Print a number of rdf's of the RR.
ldns_rr_list * ldns_get_rr_list_name_by_addr(ldns_resolver *r, const ldns_rdf *addr, ldns_rr_class c, uint16_t flags)
ask the resolver about the address and return the name
signed char ldns_nsec_type_check(const ldns_rr *nsec, ldns_rr_type t)
Check if t is enumerated in the nsec type rdata.
ldns_rr_list * ldns_get_rr_list_hosts_frm_fp_l(FILE *fp, int *line_nr)
wade through fp (a /etc/hosts like file) and return a rr_list containing all the defined hosts in the...
uint16_t ldns_getaddrinfo(ldns_resolver *res, const ldns_rdf *node, ldns_rr_class c, ldns_rr_list **list)
This function is a wrapper function for ldns_get_rr_list_name_by_addr and ldns_get_rr_list_addr_by_na...
ldns_rr_list * ldns_get_rr_list_hosts_frm_file(char *filename)
wade through fp (a /etc/hosts like file) and return a rr_list containing all the defined hosts in the...
host2str.h - txt presentation of RRs
Defines ldns_rdf and functions to manipulate those.
Defines the ldns_resolver structure, a stub resolver that can send queries and parse answers.
Contains the definition of ldns_rr and functions to manipulate those.
enum ldns_enum_rr_type ldns_rr_type
enum ldns_enum_rr_class ldns_rr_class
Resource record data field.
DNS stub resolver structure.
List or Set of Resource Records.
Defines functions for TSIG usage.