ecs_whitelist Struct Reference

ecs_whitelist structure More...

#include <subnet-whitelist.h>

Data Fields

struct regionalregion
 regional for allocation
rbtree_type upstream
 Tree of the address spans that are whitelisted.
rbtree_type dname
 Tree of domain names for which Unbound will append an ECS option.

Detailed Description

ecs_whitelist structure

Field Documentation

◆ upstream

rbtree_type ecs_whitelist::upstream

Tree of the address spans that are whitelisted.

contents of type addr_tree_node. Each node is an address span Unbound will append subnet option for.

◆ dname

rbtree_type ecs_whitelist::dname

Tree of domain names for which Unbound will append an ECS option.

rbtree of struct name_tree_node.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: