ub_shm_stat_info Struct Reference

Some global statistics that are not in struct stats_info, this struct is shared on a shm segment (shm-key in unbound.conf) More...

#include <unbound.h>

Data Fields

int num_threads
struct { 
   long long   now_sec 
   long long   now_usec 
   long long   up_sec 
   long long   up_usec 
   long long   elapsed_sec 
   long long   elapsed_usec 
struct { 
   long long   msg 
   long long   rrset 
   long long   val 
   long long   iter 
   long long   subnet 
   long long   ipsecmod 
   long long   respip 
   long long   dnscrypt_shared_secret 
   long long   dnscrypt_nonce 
   long long   dynlib 

Detailed Description

Some global statistics that are not in struct stats_info, this struct is shared on a shm segment (shm-key in unbound.conf)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: