order_lock Struct Reference

a lock More...

Data Fields

rbnode_type node
 rbnode in all tree
struct order_id id
 lock id
char * create_file
 the creation file
int create_line
 creation line
 set of all locks that are smaller than this one (locked earlier)
struct lock_refdfs_next
 during depthfirstsearch, this is a linked list of the stack of locks.
int visited
 if lock has been visited (all smaller locks have been compared to this lock), only need to compare this with all unvisited(bigger) locks

Detailed Description

a lock

Field Documentation

◆ dfs_next

struct lock_ref* order_lock::dfs_next

during depthfirstsearch, this is a linked list of the stack of locks.

points to the next lock bigger than this one.

Referenced by check_order_lock(), detect_cycle(), found_cycle(), and search_cycle().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: