libworker Struct Reference

The library-worker status structure Internal to the worker. More...

#include <libworker.h>

Data Fields

int thread_num
 every worker has a unique thread_num.
struct ub_ctxctx
 context we are operating under
int is_bg
 is this the bg worker?
int is_bg_thread
 is this a bg worker that is threaded (not forked)?
int want_quit
 want to quit, stop handling new content
struct module_envenv
 copy of the module environment with worker local entries.
struct comm_basebase
 the event base this worker works with
struct outside_networkback
 the backside outside network interface to the auth servers
struct ub_randstate * rndstate
 random() table for this worker.
void * sslctx
 sslcontext for SSL wrapped DNS over TCP queries

Detailed Description

The library-worker status structure Internal to the worker.

Field Documentation

◆ thread_num

int libworker::thread_num

every worker has a unique thread_num.

(first in struct)

Referenced by libworker_bg(), libworker_dobg(), and libworker_setup().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: