rr.c File Reference

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#define LDNS_TTL_DATALEN   21
#define LDNS_RRLIST_INIT   8
#define _IS_WHITESPACE(chr)    ( NULL != strchr( LDNS_PARSE_NO_NL, chr) )
#define _BUFFER_IS_AT_WHITESPACE(rd_buf)    _IS_WHITESPACE(*(ldns_buffer_current(rd_buf)))
#define LDNS_RDATA_FIELD_DESCRIPTORS_COUNT    (sizeof(rdata_field_descriptors)/sizeof(rdata_field_descriptors[0]))
 computes the number of rdata fields


ldns_rrldns_rr_new (void)
 creates a new rr structure.
ldns_rrldns_rr_new_frm_type (ldns_rr_type t)
 creates a new rr structure, based on the given type.
void ldns_rr_free (ldns_rr *rr)
 frees an RR structure
ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_str (ldns_rr **newrr, const char *str, uint32_t default_ttl, const ldns_rdf *origin, ldns_rdf **prev)
 creates an rr from a string.
ldns_status ldns_rr_new_question_frm_str (ldns_rr **newrr, const char *str, const ldns_rdf *origin, ldns_rdf **prev)
 creates an rr for the question section from a string, i.e.
ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_fp (ldns_rr **newrr, FILE *fp, uint32_t *ttl, ldns_rdf **origin, ldns_rdf **prev)
 creates a new rr from a file containing a string.
ldns_status _ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l_internal (ldns_rr **newrr, FILE *fp, uint32_t *default_ttl, ldns_rdf **origin, ldns_rdf **prev, int *line_nr, signed char *explicit_ttl)
ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l (ldns_rr **newrr, FILE *fp, uint32_t *default_ttl, ldns_rdf **origin, ldns_rdf **prev, int *line_nr)
 creates a new rr from a file containing a string.
void ldns_rr_set_owner (ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rdf *owner)
 sets the owner in the rr structure.
void ldns_rr_set_question (ldns_rr *rr, signed char question)
 sets the question flag in the rr structure.
void ldns_rr_set_ttl (ldns_rr *rr, uint32_t ttl)
 sets the ttl in the rr structure.
void ldns_rr_set_rd_count (ldns_rr *rr, size_t count)
 sets the rd_count in the rr.
void ldns_rr_set_type (ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rr_type rr_type)
 sets the type in the rr.
void ldns_rr_set_class (ldns_rr *rr, ldns_rr_class rr_class)
 sets the class in the rr.
ldns_rdfldns_rr_set_rdf (ldns_rr *rr, const ldns_rdf *f, size_t position)
 sets a rdf member, it will be set on the position given.
signed char ldns_rr_push_rdf (ldns_rr *rr, const ldns_rdf *f)
 sets rd_field member, it will be placed in the next available spot.
ldns_rdfldns_rr_pop_rdf (ldns_rr *rr)
 removes a rd_field member, it will be popped from the last position.
ldns_rdfldns_rr_rdf (const ldns_rr *rr, size_t nr)
 returns the rdata field member counter.
ldns_rdfldns_rr_owner (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the owner name of an rr structure.
signed char ldns_rr_is_question (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the question flag of an rr structure.
uint32_t ldns_rr_ttl (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the ttl of an rr structure.
size_t ldns_rr_rd_count (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the rd_count of an rr structure.
ldns_rr_type ldns_rr_get_type (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the type of the rr.
ldns_rr_class ldns_rr_get_class (const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns the class of the rr.
size_t ldns_rr_list_rr_count (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 returns the number of rr's in an rr_list.
ldns_rrldns_rr_list_set_rr (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, const ldns_rr *r, size_t count)
 set a rr on a specific index in a ldns_rr_list
void ldns_rr_list_set_rr_count (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, size_t count)
 sets the number of rr's in an rr_list.
ldns_rrldns_rr_list_rr (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list, size_t nr)
 returns a specific rr of an rrlist.
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_new (void)
 creates a new rr_list structure.
void ldns_rr_list_free (ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 frees an rr_list structure.
void ldns_rr_list_deep_free (ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 frees an rr_list structure and all rrs contained therein.
signed char ldns_rr_list_cat (ldns_rr_list *left, const ldns_rr_list *right)
 concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together.
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_cat_clone (const ldns_rr_list *left, const ldns_rr_list *right)
 concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together, but makes clones of the rr's (instead of pointer copying).
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_subtype_by_rdf (const ldns_rr_list *l, const ldns_rdf *r, size_t pos)
 Return the rr_list which matches the rdf at position field.
signed char ldns_rr_list_push_rr (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, const ldns_rr *rr)
 pushes an rr to an rrlist.
signed char ldns_rr_list_push_rr_list (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, const ldns_rr_list *push_list)
 pushes an rr_list to an rrlist.
ldns_rrldns_rr_list_pop_rr (ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 pops the last rr from an rrlist.
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_pop_rr_list (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, size_t howmany)
 pops an rr_list of size s from an rrlist.
signed char ldns_rr_list_contains_rr (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list, const ldns_rr *rr)
 returns true if the given rr is one of the rrs in the list, or if it is equal to one
signed char ldns_is_rrset (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 checks if an rr_list is a rrset.
signed char ldns_rr_set_push_rr (ldns_rr_list *rr_list, ldns_rr *rr)
 pushes an rr to an rrset (which really are rr_list's).
ldns_rrldns_rr_set_pop_rr (ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 pops the last rr from an rrset.
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_pop_rrset (ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 pops the first rrset from the list, the list must be sorted, so that all rr's from each rrset are next to each other
ldns_rrldns_rr_clone (const ldns_rr *rr)
 clones a rr and all its data
ldns_rr_listldns_rr_list_clone (const ldns_rr_list *rrlist)
 clones an rrlist.
void ldns_rr_list_sort (ldns_rr_list *unsorted)
 sorts an rr_list (canonical wire format).
int ldns_rr_compare_no_rdata (const ldns_rr *rr1, const ldns_rr *rr2)
 compares two rrs, up to the rdata.
int ldns_rr_compare_wire (const ldns_buffer *rr1_buf, const ldns_buffer *rr2_buf)
 compares the wireformat of two rrs, contained in the given buffers.
int ldns_rr_compare (const ldns_rr *rr1, const ldns_rr *rr2)
 compares two rrs.
signed char ldns_rr_compare_ds (const ldns_rr *orr1, const ldns_rr *orr2)
 returns true of the given rr's are equal.
int ldns_rr_list_compare (const ldns_rr_list *rrl1, const ldns_rr_list *rrl2)
 compares two rr lists.
size_t ldns_rr_uncompressed_size (const ldns_rr *r)
 calculates the uncompressed size of an RR.
void ldns_rr2canonical (ldns_rr *rr)
 converts each dname in a rr to its canonical form.
void ldns_rr_list2canonical (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 converts each dname in each rr in a rr_list to its canonical form.
uint8_t ldns_rr_label_count (const ldns_rr *rr)
 counts the number of labels of the ownername.
ldns_status ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types_space (ldns_rdf **rdf)
 Create a rr type bitmap rdf providing enough space to set all known (to ldns) rr types.
ldns_status ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types (ldns_rdf **rdf)
 Create a rr type bitmap rdf with at least all known (to ldns) rr types set.
const ldns_rr_descriptorldns_rr_descript (uint16_t type)
 returns the resource record descriptor for the given rr type.
size_t ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum (const ldns_rr_descriptor *descriptor)
 returns the minimum number of rdata fields of the rr type this descriptor describes.
size_t ldns_rr_descriptor_maximum (const ldns_rr_descriptor *descriptor)
 returns the maximum number of rdata fields of the rr type this descriptor describes.
ldns_rdf_type ldns_rr_descriptor_field_type (const ldns_rr_descriptor *descriptor, size_t index)
 returns the rdf type for the given rdata field number of the rr type for the given descriptor.
ldns_rr_type ldns_get_rr_type_by_name (const char *name)
 retrieves a rrtype by looking up its name.
ldns_rr_class ldns_get_rr_class_by_name (const char *name)
 retrieves a class by looking up its name.
ldns_rr_type ldns_rdf2rr_type (const ldns_rdf *rd)
 convert an rdf of type LDNS_RDF_TYPE_TYPE to an actual LDNS_RR_TYPE.
ldns_rr_type ldns_rr_list_type (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 Returns the type of the first element of the RR If there are no elements present, 0 is returned.
ldns_rdfldns_rr_list_owner (const ldns_rr_list *rr_list)
 Returns the owner domain name rdf of the first element of the RR If there are no elements present, NULL is returned.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 19 of file rr.c.


#define LDNS_TTL_DATALEN   21

Definition at line 20 of file rr.c.


#define LDNS_RRLIST_INIT   8

Definition at line 21 of file rr.c.


#define _IS_WHITESPACE (   chr)     ( NULL != strchr( LDNS_PARSE_NO_NL, chr) )

Definition at line 23 of file rr.c.


#define _BUFFER_IS_AT_WHITESPACE (   rd_buf)     _IS_WHITESPACE(*(ldns_buffer_current(rd_buf)))

Definition at line 26 of file rr.c.


#define LDNS_RDATA_FIELD_DESCRIPTORS_COUNT    (sizeof(rdata_field_descriptors)/sizeof(rdata_field_descriptors[0]))

computes the number of rdata fields

Definition at line 2521 of file rr.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ldns_rr_new()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_new ( void  )

◆ ldns_rr_new_frm_type()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_new_frm_type ( ldns_rr_type  t)

◆ ldns_rr_free()

void ldns_rr_free ( ldns_rr rr)

frees an RR structure

[in]*rrthe RR to be freed

Definition at line 81 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rdata_fields, LDNS_FREE, ldns_rdf_deep_free(), ldns_rr_owner(), ldns_rr_rd_count(), and ldns_rr_rdf().

◆ ldns_rr_new_frm_str()

ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_str ( ldns_rr **  n,
const char *  str,
uint32_t  default_ttl,
const ldns_rdf origin,
ldns_rdf **  prev 

creates an rr from a string.

The string should be a fully filled-in rr, like ownername <space> TTL <space> CLASS <space> TYPE <space> RDATA.

[out]nthe rr to return
[in]strthe string to convert
[in]default_ttldefault ttl value for the rr. If 0 DEF_TTL will be used
[in]originwhen the owner is relative add this. The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
[out]prevthe previous ownername. if this value is not NULL, the function overwrites this with the ownername found in this string. The caller must then ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
a status msg describing an error or LDNS_STATUS_OK

Definition at line 676 of file rr.c.

◆ ldns_rr_new_question_frm_str()

ldns_status ldns_rr_new_question_frm_str ( ldns_rr **  n,
const char *  str,
const ldns_rdf origin,
ldns_rdf **  prev 

creates an rr for the question section from a string, i.e.

without RDATA fields Origin and previous RR functionality are the same as in ldns_rr_new_frm_str()

[out]nthe rr to return
[in]strthe string to convert
[in]originwhen the owner is relative add this. The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
prevthe previous ownername. the function overwrite this with the current found ownername. The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
a status msg describing an error or LDNS_STATUS_OK

Definition at line 690 of file rr.c.

◆ ldns_rr_new_frm_fp()

ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_fp ( ldns_rr **  rr,
FILE *  fp,
uint32_t *  default_ttl,
ldns_rdf **  origin,
ldns_rdf **  prev 

creates a new rr from a file containing a string.

[out]rrthe new rr
[in]fpthe file pointer to use
[in]default_ttlpointer to a default ttl for the rr. If NULL DEF_TTL will be used the pointer will be updated if the file contains a $TTL directive
[in]originwhen the owner is relative add this the pointer will be updated if the file contains a $ORIGIN directive The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
[in]prevwhen the owner is whitespaces use this as the * ownername the pointer will be updated after the call The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
a ldns_status with an error or LDNS_STATUS_OK

Definition at line 719 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l().

◆ _ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l_internal()

ldns_status _ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l_internal ( ldns_rr **  newrr,
FILE *  fp,
uint32_t *  default_ttl,
ldns_rdf **  origin,
ldns_rdf **  prev,
int *  line_nr,
signed char *  explicit_ttl 

◆ ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l()

ldns_status ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l ( ldns_rr **  rr,
FILE *  fp,
uint32_t *  default_ttl,
ldns_rdf **  origin,
ldns_rdf **  prev,
int *  line_nr 

creates a new rr from a file containing a string.

[out]rrthe new rr
[in]fpthe file pointer to use
[in]default_ttla default ttl for the rr. If NULL DEF_TTL will be used the pointer will be updated if the file contains a $TTL directive
[in]originwhen the owner is relative add this the pointer will be updated if the file contains a $ORIGIN directive The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
[in]line_nrpointer to an integer containing the current line number (for debugging purposes)
[in]prevwhen the owner is whitespaces use this as the * ownername the pointer will be updated after the call The caller must ldns_rdf_deep_free it.
a ldns_status with an error or LDNS_STATUS_OK

Definition at line 800 of file rr.c.

References _ldns_rr_new_frm_fp_l_internal().

◆ ldns_rr_set_owner()

void ldns_rr_set_owner ( ldns_rr rr,
ldns_rdf owner 

sets the owner in the rr structure.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]*ownerset to this owner

Definition at line 808 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_owner.

◆ ldns_rr_set_question()

void ldns_rr_set_question ( ldns_rr rr,
signed char  question 

sets the question flag in the rr structure.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]questionquestion flag

Definition at line 814 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_question.

◆ ldns_rr_set_ttl()

void ldns_rr_set_ttl ( ldns_rr rr,
uint32_t  ttl 

sets the ttl in the rr structure.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]ttlset to this ttl

Definition at line 820 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_ttl.

◆ ldns_rr_set_rd_count()

void ldns_rr_set_rd_count ( ldns_rr rr,
size_t  count 

sets the rd_count in the rr.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]countset to this count

Definition at line 826 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rd_count.

◆ ldns_rr_set_type()

void ldns_rr_set_type ( ldns_rr rr,
ldns_rr_type  rr_type 

sets the type in the rr.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]rr_typeset to this type

Definition at line 832 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_type.

◆ ldns_rr_set_class()

void ldns_rr_set_class ( ldns_rr rr,
ldns_rr_class  rr_class 

sets the class in the rr.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]rr_classset to this class

Definition at line 838 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_class.

◆ ldns_rr_set_rdf()

ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_set_rdf ( ldns_rr rr,
const ldns_rdf f,
size_t  position 

sets a rdf member, it will be set on the position given.

The old value is returned, like pop.

[in]*rrthe rr to operate on
[in]*fthe rdf to set
[in]positionthe position the set the rdf
the old value in the rr, NULL on failure

Definition at line 844 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rdata_fields, and ldns_rr_rd_count().

◆ ldns_rr_push_rdf()

signed char ldns_rr_push_rdf ( ldns_rr rr,
const ldns_rdf f 

sets rd_field member, it will be placed in the next available spot.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]*fthe data field member to set

Definition at line 861 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rdata_fields, ldns_rr_rd_count(), ldns_rr_set_rd_count(), and LDNS_XREALLOC.

◆ ldns_rr_pop_rdf()

ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_pop_rdf ( ldns_rr rr)

removes a rd_field member, it will be popped from the last position.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
rdf which was popped (null if nothing)

Definition at line 884 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rdata_fields, LDNS_FREE, ldns_rr_rd_count(), ldns_rr_set_rd_count(), and LDNS_XREALLOC.

◆ ldns_rr_rdf()

ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_rdf ( const ldns_rr rr,
size_t  nr 

returns the rdata field member counter.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
[in]nrthe number of the rdf to return
ldns_rdf *

Definition at line 913 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rdata_fields, and ldns_rr_rd_count().

◆ ldns_rr_owner()

ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_owner ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the owner name of an rr structure.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
ldns_rdf *

Definition at line 923 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_owner.

◆ ldns_rr_is_question()

signed char ldns_rr_is_question ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the question flag of an rr structure.

[in]*rrrr to operate on
bool true if question

Definition at line 929 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_question.

◆ ldns_rr_ttl()

uint32_t ldns_rr_ttl ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the ttl of an rr structure.

[in]*rrthe rr to read from
the ttl of the rr

Definition at line 935 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_ttl.

◆ ldns_rr_rd_count()

size_t ldns_rr_rd_count ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the rd_count of an rr structure.

[in]*rrthe rr to read from
the rd count of the rr

Definition at line 941 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rd_count.

◆ ldns_rr_get_type()

ldns_rr_type ldns_rr_get_type ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the type of the rr.

[in]*rrthe rr to read from
the type of the rr

Definition at line 947 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_type.

◆ ldns_rr_get_class()

ldns_rr_class ldns_rr_get_class ( const ldns_rr rr)

returns the class of the rr.

[in]*rrthe rr to read from
the class of the rr

Definition at line 953 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr::_rr_class.

◆ ldns_rr_list_rr_count()

size_t ldns_rr_list_rr_count ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list)

returns the number of rr's in an rr_list.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to read from
the number of rr's

Definition at line 961 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_count.

◆ ldns_rr_list_set_rr()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_list_set_rr ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
const ldns_rr r,
size_t  count 

set a rr on a specific index in a ldns_rr_list

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to use
[in]rthe rr to set
[in]countindex into the rr_list
the old rr which was stored in the rr_list, or NULL is the index was too large set a specific rr

Definition at line 971 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_set_rr_count()

void ldns_rr_list_set_rr_count ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
size_t  count 

sets the number of rr's in an rr_list.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to set the count on
[in]countthe number of rr in this list

Definition at line 987 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_count.

◆ ldns_rr_list_rr()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_list_rr ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list,
size_t  nr 

returns a specific rr of an rrlist.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to read from
[in]nrreturn this rr
the rr at position nr

Definition at line 994 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_new()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_new ( void  )

creates a new rr_list structure.

a new rr_list structure

Definition at line 1004 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_capacity, ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_count, ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, and LDNS_MALLOC.

◆ ldns_rr_list_free()

void ldns_rr_list_free ( ldns_rr_list rr_list)

frees an rr_list structure.

[in]rr_listthe list to free

Definition at line 1015 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, and LDNS_FREE.

◆ ldns_rr_list_deep_free()

void ldns_rr_list_deep_free ( ldns_rr_list rr_list)

frees an rr_list structure and all rrs contained therein.

[in]rr_listthe list to free

Definition at line 1024 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, LDNS_FREE, ldns_rr_free(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_cat()

signed char ldns_rr_list_cat ( ldns_rr_list left,
const ldns_rr_list right 

concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together.

This modifies *left (to extend it and add the pointers from *right).

[in]leftthe leftside
[in]rightthe rightside
a left with right concatenated to it

Definition at line 1040 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_cat_clone()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_cat_clone ( const ldns_rr_list left,
const ldns_rr_list right 

concatenates two ldns_rr_lists together, but makes clones of the rr's (instead of pointer copying).

[in]leftthe leftside
[in]rightthe rightside
a new rr_list with leftside/rightside concatenated

Definition at line 1063 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_list_clone(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_subtype_by_rdf()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_subtype_by_rdf ( const ldns_rr_list l,
const ldns_rdf r,
size_t  pos 

Return the rr_list which matches the rdf at position field.

Think type-covered stuff for RRSIG

[in]lthe rr_list to look in
[in]rthe rdf to use for the comparison
[in]posat which position can we find the rdf
a new rr list with only the RRs that match

Definition at line 1102 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf_compare(), ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), ldns_rr_list_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_rdf().

◆ ldns_rr_list_push_rr()

signed char ldns_rr_list_push_rr ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
const ldns_rr rr 

pushes an rr to an rrlist.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to push to
[in]rrthe rr to push
false on error, otherwise true

Definition at line 1136 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_capacity, ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), ldns_rr_list_set_rr_count(), LDNS_RRLIST_INIT, and LDNS_XREALLOC.

◆ ldns_rr_list_push_rr_list()

signed char ldns_rr_list_push_rr_list ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
const ldns_rr_list push_list 

pushes an rr_list to an rrlist.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to push to
[in]push_listthe rr_list to push
false on error, otherwise true

Definition at line 1167 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_pop_rr()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_list_pop_rr ( ldns_rr_list rr_list)

pops the last rr from an rrlist.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to pop from
NULL if nothing to pop. Otherwise the popped RR

Definition at line 1181 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rr_capacity, ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), ldns_rr_list_set_rr_count(), LDNS_RRLIST_INIT, and LDNS_XREALLOC.

◆ ldns_rr_list_pop_rr_list()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_pop_rr_list ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
size_t  size 

pops an rr_list of size s from an rrlist.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to pop from
[in]sizethe number of rr's to pop
NULL if nothing to pop. Otherwise the popped rr_list

Definition at line 1214 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_list_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_pop_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_push_rr().

◆ ldns_rr_list_contains_rr()

signed char ldns_rr_list_contains_rr ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list,
const ldns_rr rr 

returns true if the given rr is one of the rrs in the list, or if it is equal to one

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to check
[in]rrthe rr to check
true if rr_list contains rr, false otherwise

Definition at line 1244 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_compare(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_is_rrset()

signed char ldns_is_rrset ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list)

checks if an rr_list is a rrset.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to check
true if it is an rrset otherwise false

Definition at line 1263 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf_compare(), ldns_rr_get_class(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().

◆ ldns_rr_set_push_rr()

signed char ldns_rr_set_push_rr ( ldns_rr_list rr_list,
ldns_rr rr 

pushes an rr to an rrset (which really are rr_list's).

[in]*rr_listthe rrset to push the rr to
[in]*rrthe rr to push
true if the push succeeded otherwise false

Definition at line 1298 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf_compare(), ldns_rr_compare(), ldns_rr_get_class(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), ldns_rr_owner(), ldns_rr_ttl(), and LDNS_RR_TYPE_RRSIG.

◆ ldns_rr_set_pop_rr()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_set_pop_rr ( ldns_rr_list rr_list)

pops the last rr from an rrset.

This function is there only for the symmetry.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to pop from
NULL if nothing to pop. Otherwise the popped RR

Definition at line 1346 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_list_pop_rr().

◆ ldns_rr_list_pop_rrset()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_pop_rrset ( ldns_rr_list rr_list)

pops the first rrset from the list, the list must be sorted, so that all rr's from each rrset are next to each other

Definition at line 1352 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf_compare(), ldns_rr_get_class(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_pop_rr(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().

◆ ldns_rr_clone()

ldns_rr * ldns_rr_clone ( const ldns_rr rr)

◆ ldns_rr_list_clone()

ldns_rr_list * ldns_rr_list_clone ( const ldns_rr_list rrlist)

clones an rrlist.

[in]rrlistthe rrlist to clone
the cloned rr list

Definition at line 1435 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_sort()

void ldns_rr_list_sort ( ldns_rr_list unsorted)

sorts an rr_list (canonical wire format).

the sorting is done inband.

[in]unsortedthe rr_list to be sorted

Definition at line 1520 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_list::_rrs, ldns_buffer_free(), LDNS_FREE, ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), LDNS_XMALLOC, ldns_schwartzian_compare_struct::original_object, and ldns_schwartzian_compare_struct::transformed_object.

◆ ldns_rr_compare_no_rdata()

int ldns_rr_compare_no_rdata ( const ldns_rr rr1,
const ldns_rr rr2 

compares two rrs, up to the rdata.

[in]rr1the first one
[in]rr2the second one
0 if equal -1 if rr1 comes before rr2 +1 if rr2 comes before rr1

Definition at line 1563 of file rr.c.

References ldns_dname_compare(), ldns_rdf_size(), ldns_rr_get_class(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_owner(), and ldns_rr_uncompressed_size().

◆ ldns_rr_compare_wire()

int ldns_rr_compare_wire ( const ldns_buffer rr1_buf,
const ldns_buffer rr2_buf 

compares the wireformat of two rrs, contained in the given buffers.

[in]rr1_bufthe first one
[in]rr2_bufthe second one
0 if equal -1 if rr1_buf comes before rr2_buf +1 if rr2_buf comes before rr1_buf

Definition at line 1604 of file rr.c.

◆ ldns_rr_compare()

int ldns_rr_compare ( const ldns_rr rr1,
const ldns_rr rr2 

compares two rrs.

The TTL is not looked at.

[in]rr1the first one
[in]rr2the second one
0 if equal -1 if rr1 comes before rr2 +1 if rr2 comes before rr1

Definition at line 1642 of file rr.c.

References ldns_buffer_free(), ldns_buffer_new(), ldns_rr2buffer_wire_canonical(), ldns_rr_compare_no_rdata(), ldns_rr_compare_wire(), ldns_rr_uncompressed_size(), LDNS_SECTION_ANY, and LDNS_STATUS_OK.

◆ ldns_rr_compare_ds()

signed char ldns_rr_compare_ds ( const ldns_rr rr1,
const ldns_rr rr2 

returns true of the given rr's are equal.

Also returns true if one record is a DS that represents the same DNSKEY record as the other record

[in]rr1the first rr
[in]rr2the second rr
true if equal otherwise false

Definition at line 1714 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_compare(), ldns_rr_free(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_set_ttl(), LDNS_RR_TYPE_DNSKEY, and LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS.

◆ ldns_rr_list_compare()

int ldns_rr_list_compare ( const ldns_rr_list rrl1,
const ldns_rr_list rrl2 

compares two rr lists.

[in]rrl1the first one
[in]rrl2the second one
0 if equal -1 if rrl1 comes before rrl2 +1 if rrl2 comes before rrl1

Definition at line 1741 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_compare(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_uncompressed_size()

size_t ldns_rr_uncompressed_size ( const ldns_rr r)

calculates the uncompressed size of an RR.

[in]rthe rr to operate on
size of the rr

Definition at line 1768 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf_size(), LDNS_RR_OVERHEAD, ldns_rr_owner(), ldns_rr_rd_count(), and ldns_rr_rdf().

◆ ldns_rr2canonical()

◆ ldns_rr_list2canonical()

void ldns_rr_list2canonical ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list)

converts each dname in each rr in a rr_list to its canonical form.

[in]rr_listthe rr_list to work on

Definition at line 1837 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr2canonical(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_label_count()

uint8_t ldns_rr_label_count ( const ldns_rr rr)

counts the number of labels of the ownername.

[in]rrcount the labels of this rr
the number of labels

Definition at line 1846 of file rr.c.

References ldns_dname_label_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().

◆ ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types_space()

ldns_status ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types_space ( ldns_rdf **  rdf)

Create a rr type bitmap rdf providing enough space to set all known (to ldns) rr types.

[out]rdfthe constructed rdf
LDNS_STATUS_OK if all went well.

Definition at line 2629 of file rr.c.

◆ ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types()

ldns_status ldns_rdf_bitmap_known_rr_types ( ldns_rdf **  rdf)

Create a rr type bitmap rdf with at least all known (to ldns) rr types set.

[out]rdfthe constructed rdf
LDNS_STATUS_OK if all went well.

Definition at line 2635 of file rr.c.

◆ ldns_rr_descript()

const ldns_rr_descriptor * ldns_rr_descript ( uint16_t  type)

returns the resource record descriptor for the given rr type.

[in]typethe type value of the rr type
the ldns_rr_descriptor for this type

Definition at line 2644 of file rr.c.


◆ ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum()

size_t ldns_rr_descriptor_minimum ( const ldns_rr_descriptor descriptor)

returns the minimum number of rdata fields of the rr type this descriptor describes.

[in]descriptorfor an rr type
the minimum number of rdata fields

Definition at line 2663 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_minimum.

◆ ldns_rr_descriptor_maximum()

size_t ldns_rr_descriptor_maximum ( const ldns_rr_descriptor descriptor)

returns the maximum number of rdata fields of the rr type this descriptor describes.

[in]descriptorfor an rr type
the maximum number of rdata fields

Definition at line 2673 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_maximum, ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_variable, and LDNS_RDF_TYPE_NONE.

◆ ldns_rr_descriptor_field_type()

ldns_rdf_type ldns_rr_descriptor_field_type ( const ldns_rr_descriptor descriptor,
size_t  field 

returns the rdf type for the given rdata field number of the rr type for the given descriptor.

[in]descriptorfor an rr type
[in]fieldthe field number
the rdf type for the field

Definition at line 2688 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_variable, ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_wireformat, and LDNS_RDF_TYPE_NONE.

◆ ldns_get_rr_type_by_name()

ldns_rr_type ldns_get_rr_type_by_name ( const char *  name)

retrieves a rrtype by looking up its name.

[in]namea string with the name
the type which corresponds with the name

Definition at line 2702 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_name, ldns_struct_rr_descriptor::_type, and LDNS_RDATA_FIELD_DESCRIPTORS_COUNT.

◆ ldns_get_rr_class_by_name()

ldns_rr_class ldns_get_rr_class_by_name ( const char *  name)

retrieves a class by looking up its name.

[in]namestring with the name
the cass which corresponds with the name

Definition at line 2742 of file rr.c.

References ldns_struct_lookup_table::id, ldns_lookup_by_name(), and ldns_rr_classes.

◆ ldns_rdf2rr_type()

ldns_rr_type ldns_rdf2rr_type ( const ldns_rdf rd)

convert an rdf of type LDNS_RDF_TYPE_TYPE to an actual LDNS_RR_TYPE.

This is useful in the case when inspecting the rrtype covered field of an RRSIG.

[in]rdthe rdf to look at
a ldns_rr_type with equivalent LDNS_RR_TYPE

Definition at line 2762 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rdf2native_int16(), ldns_rdf_get_type(), and LDNS_RDF_TYPE_TYPE.

◆ ldns_rr_list_type()

ldns_rr_type ldns_rr_list_type ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list)

Returns the type of the first element of the RR If there are no elements present, 0 is returned.

[in]rr_listThe rr list
rr_type of the first element, or 0 if the list is empty

Definition at line 2779 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_rr_list_owner()

ldns_rdf * ldns_rr_list_owner ( const ldns_rr_list rr_list)

Returns the owner domain name rdf of the first element of the RR If there are no elements present, NULL is returned.

[in]rr_listThe rr list
dname of the first element, or NULL if the list is empty

Definition at line 2789 of file rr.c.

References ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().