packet.c File Reference

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#define LDNS_EDNS_MASK_DO_BIT   0x8000


uint16_t ldns_pkt_id (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet id. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_qr (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's qr bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_aa (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's aa bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_tc (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's tc bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_rd (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's rd bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_cd (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's cd bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_ra (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's ra bit. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_ad (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's ad bit. More...
ldns_pkt_opcode ldns_pkt_get_opcode (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Read the packet's code. More...
ldns_pkt_rcode ldns_pkt_get_rcode (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's response code. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_qdcount (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's qd count. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_ancount (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's an count. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_nscount (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's ns count. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_arcount (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's ar count. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_question (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's question section. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_answer (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's answer section. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_authority (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's authority section. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_additional (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's additional section. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_all (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's question, answer, authority and additional sections concatenated, in a new rr_list clone. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_all_noquestion (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's answer, authority and additional sections concatenated, in a new rr_list clone. More...
size_t ldns_pkt_size (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's size in bytes. More...
uint32_t ldns_pkt_querytime (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's querytime. More...
ldns_rdfldns_pkt_answerfrom (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's answerfrom. More...
struct timeval ldns_pkt_timestamp (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 Return the packet's timestamp. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's edns udp size More...
uint8_t ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's edns extended rcode More...
uint8_t ldns_pkt_edns_version (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's edns version More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_z (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's edns z value More...
signed char ldns_pkt_edns_do (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's edns do bit More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_do (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char value)
 Set the packet's edns do bit. More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_unassigned (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's EDNS header bits that are unassigned. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_unassigned (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t value)
 Set the packet's EDNS header bits that are unassigned. More...
ldns_rdfldns_pkt_edns_data (const ldns_pkt *packet)
 return the packet's EDNS data More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name (const ldns_pkt *packet, const ldns_rdf *ownername, ldns_pkt_section sec)
 return all the rr with a specific name from a packet. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type (const ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_rr_type type, ldns_pkt_section sec)
 return all the rr with a specific type from a packet. More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type (const ldns_pkt *packet, const ldns_rdf *ownername, ldns_rr_type type, ldns_pkt_section sec)
 return all the rr with a specific type and type from a packet. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_rr (const ldns_pkt *pkt, ldns_pkt_section sec, const ldns_rr *rr)
 check to see if an rr exist in the packet More...
uint16_t ldns_pkt_section_count (const ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_pkt_section s)
 Return the number of RRs in the given section. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_empty (ldns_pkt *p)
 check if a packet is empty More...
ldns_rr_listldns_pkt_get_section_clone (const ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_pkt_section s)
 return all the rr_list's in the packet. More...
ldns_rrldns_pkt_tsig (const ldns_pkt *pkt)
 Return the packet's tsig pseudo rr's. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_id (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t id)
 Set the packet's id. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_random_id (ldns_pkt *packet)
 Set the packet's id to a random value. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_qr (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char qr)
 Set the packet's qr bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_aa (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char aa)
 Set the packet's aa bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_tc (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char tc)
 Set the packet's tc bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_rd (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char rd)
 Set the packet's rd bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_additional (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_rr_list *rr)
 directly set the additional section More...
void ldns_pkt_set_question (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_rr_list *rr)
 directly set the question section More...
void ldns_pkt_set_answer (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_rr_list *rr)
 directly set the answer section More...
void ldns_pkt_set_authority (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_rr_list *rr)
 directly set the authority section More...
void ldns_pkt_set_cd (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char cd)
 Set the packet's cd bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_ra (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char ra)
 Set the packet's ra bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_ad (ldns_pkt *packet, signed char ad)
 Set the packet's ad bit. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_opcode (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_pkt_opcode opcode)
 Set the packet's opcode. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_rcode (ldns_pkt *packet, uint8_t rcode)
 Set the packet's response code. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_qdcount (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t qdcount)
 Set the packet's qd count. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_ancount (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t ancount)
 Set the packet's an count. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_nscount (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t nscount)
 Set the packet's ns count. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_arcount (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t arcount)
 Set the packet's arcount. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_querytime (ldns_pkt *packet, uint32_t time)
 Set the packet's query time. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_answerfrom (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_rdf *answerfrom)
 Set the packet's answering server. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_timestamp (ldns_pkt *packet, struct timeval timeval)
 Set the packet's timestamp. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_size (ldns_pkt *packet, size_t s)
 Set the packet's size. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_udp_size (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t s)
 Set the packet's edns udp size. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_extended_rcode (ldns_pkt *packet, uint8_t c)
 Set the packet's edns extended rcode. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_version (ldns_pkt *packet, uint8_t v)
 Set the packet's edns version. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_z (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t z)
 Set the packet's edns z value. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_data (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_rdf *data)
 Set the packet's EDNS data. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_edns_option_list (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_edns_option_list *list)
 Set the packet's structured EDNS data. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_section_count (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_pkt_section s, uint16_t count)
 Set a packet's section count to x. More...
void ldns_pkt_set_tsig (ldns_pkt *pkt, ldns_rr *rr)
 Set the packet's tsig rr. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_push_rr (ldns_pkt *packet, ldns_pkt_section section, ldns_rr *rr)
 push an rr on a packet More...
signed char ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr (ldns_pkt *pkt, ldns_pkt_section sec, ldns_rr *rr)
 push an rr on a packet, provided the RR is not there. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_push_rr_list (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_pkt_section s, ldns_rr_list *list)
 push a rr_list on a packet More...
signed char ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr_list (ldns_pkt *p, ldns_pkt_section s, ldns_rr_list *list)
 push an rr_list to a packet, provided the RRs are not already there. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_edns (const ldns_pkt *pkt)
 returns true if this packet needs and EDNS rr to be sent. More...
ldns_edns_option_listpkt_edns_data2edns_option_list (const ldns_rdf *edns_data)
ldns_edns_option_listldns_pkt_edns_get_option_list (ldns_pkt *packet)
 Returns a list of structured EDNS options. More...
ldns_pktldns_pkt_new (void)
 allocates and initializes a ldns_pkt structure. More...
void ldns_pkt_free (ldns_pkt *packet)
 frees the packet structure and all data that it contains. More...
signed char ldns_pkt_set_flags (ldns_pkt *packet, uint16_t flags)
 sets the flags in a packet. More...
ldns_status ldns_pkt_query_new_frm_str (ldns_pkt **p, const char *name, ldns_rr_type rr_type, ldns_rr_class rr_class, uint16_t flags)
 creates a query packet for the given name, type, class. More...
ldns_status ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new_frm_str (ldns_pkt **p, const char *name, ldns_rr_class rr_class, uint16_t flags, ldns_rr *soa)
 creates an IXFR request packet for the given name, class. More...
ldns_pktldns_pkt_query_new (ldns_rdf *rr_name, ldns_rr_type rr_type, ldns_rr_class rr_class, uint16_t flags)
 creates a packet with a query in it for the given name, type and class. More...
ldns_pktldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new (ldns_rdf *rr_name, ldns_rr_class rr_class, uint16_t flags, ldns_rr *soa)
 creates an IXFR request packet for the given name, type and class. More...
ldns_pkt_type ldns_pkt_reply_type (const ldns_pkt *p)
 looks inside the packet to determine what kind of packet it is, AUTH, NXDOMAIN, REFERRAL, etc. More...
ldns_pktldns_pkt_clone (const ldns_pkt *pkt)
 clones the given packet, creating a fully allocated copy More...


ldns_lookup_table ldns_edns_flags []
 EDNS flags. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LDNS_EDNS_MASK_DO_BIT   0x8000

Definition at line 28 of file packet.c.



Definition at line 29 of file packet.c.

Function Documentation

◆ ldns_pkt_id()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_id ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet id.

[in]pthe packet
the packet id

Definition at line 40 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_id.

◆ ldns_pkt_qr()

signed char ldns_pkt_qr ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's qr bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 46 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_qr.

◆ ldns_pkt_aa()

signed char ldns_pkt_aa ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's aa bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 52 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_aa, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_tc()

signed char ldns_pkt_tc ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's tc bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 58 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_tc.

◆ ldns_pkt_rd()

signed char ldns_pkt_rd ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's rd bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 64 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_rd.

◆ ldns_pkt_cd()

signed char ldns_pkt_cd ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's cd bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 70 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_cd, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_ra()

signed char ldns_pkt_ra ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's ra bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 76 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_ra.

◆ ldns_pkt_ad()

signed char ldns_pkt_ad ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's ad bit.

[in]pthe packet
value of the bit

Definition at line 82 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_ad, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_get_opcode()

ldns_pkt_opcode ldns_pkt_get_opcode ( const ldns_pkt p)

Read the packet's code.

[in]pthe packet
the opcode

Definition at line 88 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_opcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_get_rcode()

ldns_pkt_rcode ldns_pkt_get_rcode ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's response code.

[in]pthe packet
the response code

Definition at line 94 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_rcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_qdcount()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_qdcount ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's qd count.

[in]pthe packet
the qd count

Definition at line 100 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_qdcount.

◆ ldns_pkt_ancount()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_ancount ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's an count.

[in]pthe packet
the an count

Definition at line 106 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_ancount, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_nscount()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_nscount ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's ns count.

[in]pthe packet
the ns count

Definition at line 112 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_nscount.

◆ ldns_pkt_arcount()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_arcount ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's ar count.

[in]pthe packet
the ar count

Definition at line 118 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_arcount, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_question()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_question ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's question section.

[in]pthe packet
the section

Definition at line 124 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_question.

◆ ldns_pkt_answer()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_answer ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's answer section.

[in]pthe packet
the section

Definition at line 130 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_answer.

◆ ldns_pkt_authority()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_authority ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's authority section.

[in]pthe packet
the section

Definition at line 136 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_authority.

◆ ldns_pkt_additional()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_additional ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's additional section.

[in]pthe packet
the section

Definition at line 142 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_additional.

◆ ldns_pkt_all()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_all ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's question, answer, authority and additional sections concatenated, in a new rr_list clone.

[in]pthe packet
the rrs

Definition at line 149 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_additional(), ldns_pkt_answer(), ldns_pkt_authority(), ldns_pkt_question(), ldns_rr_list_cat_clone(), and ldns_rr_list_deep_free().

◆ ldns_pkt_all_noquestion()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_all_noquestion ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's answer, authority and additional sections concatenated, in a new rr_list clone.

Like ldns_pkt_all but without the questions.

[in]pthe packet
the rrs except the question rrs

Definition at line 168 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_additional(), ldns_pkt_answer(), ldns_pkt_authority(), ldns_rr_list_cat_clone(), and ldns_rr_list_deep_free().

◆ ldns_pkt_size()

size_t ldns_pkt_size ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's size in bytes.

[in]pthe packet
the size

Definition at line 183 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_size.

◆ ldns_pkt_querytime()

uint32_t ldns_pkt_querytime ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's querytime.

[in]pthe packet
the querytime

Definition at line 189 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_querytime.

◆ ldns_pkt_answerfrom()

ldns_rdf* ldns_pkt_answerfrom ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's answerfrom.

the name of the server

Definition at line 195 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_answerfrom.

◆ ldns_pkt_timestamp()

struct timeval ldns_pkt_timestamp ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's timestamp.

[in]pthe packet
the timestamp

Definition at line 195 of file packet.c.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's edns udp size

[in]packetthe packet
the size

Definition at line 207 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_udp_size.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode()

uint8_t ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's edns extended rcode

[in]packetthe packet
the rcode

Definition at line 213 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_extended_rcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_version()

uint8_t ldns_pkt_edns_version ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's edns version

[in]packetthe packet
the version

Definition at line 219 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_version.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_z()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_z ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's edns z value

[in]packetthe packet
the z value

Definition at line 225 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_do()

signed char ldns_pkt_edns_do ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's edns do bit

[in]packetthe packet
the bit's value

Definition at line 231 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z, and LDNS_EDNS_MASK_DO_BIT.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_do()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_do ( ldns_pkt packet,
signed char  value 

Set the packet's edns do bit.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]valuethe bit's new value

Definition at line 237 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z, and LDNS_EDNS_MASK_DO_BIT.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_unassigned()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_edns_unassigned ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's EDNS header bits that are unassigned.

Definition at line 247 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z, and LDNS_EDNS_MASK_UNASSIGNED.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_unassigned()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_unassigned ( ldns_pkt packet,
uint16_t  value 

Set the packet's EDNS header bits that are unassigned.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]valuethe value

Definition at line 253 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z, and LDNS_EDNS_MASK_UNASSIGNED.

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_data()

ldns_rdf* ldns_pkt_edns_data ( const ldns_pkt packet)

return the packet's EDNS data

[in]packetthe packet
the data

Definition at line 260 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_data.

◆ ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name ( const ldns_pkt p,
const ldns_rdf r,
ldns_pkt_section  s 

return all the rr with a specific name from a packet.

Optionally specify from which section in the packet

[in]pthe packet
[in]rthe name
[in]sthe packet's section
a list with the rr's or NULL if none were found

Definition at line 267 of file packet.c.

References ldns_dname_compare(), ldns_pkt_get_section_clone(), ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().

◆ ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type ( const ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr_type  t,
ldns_pkt_section  s 

return all the rr with a specific type from a packet.

Optionally specify from which section in the packet

[in]pthe packet
[in]tthe type
[in]sthe packet's section
a list with the rr's or NULL if none were found

Definition at line 304 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_get_section_clone(), ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), ldns_rr_list_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_name_and_type ( const ldns_pkt packet,
const ldns_rdf ownername,
ldns_rr_type  type,
ldns_pkt_section  sec 

return all the rr with a specific type and type from a packet.

Optionally specify from which section in the packet

[in]packetthe packet
[in]ownernamethe name
[in]typethe type
[in]secthe packet's section
a list with the rr's or NULL if none were found

Definition at line 340 of file packet.c.

References ldns_dname_compare(), ldns_pkt_get_section_clone(), ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_get_type(), ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), ldns_rr_list_free(), ldns_rr_list_new(), ldns_rr_list_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr_count(), and ldns_rr_owner().

◆ ldns_pkt_rr()

signed char ldns_pkt_rr ( const ldns_pkt pkt,
ldns_pkt_section  sec,
const ldns_rr rr 

check to see if an rr exist in the packet

[in]pktthe packet to examine
[in]secin which section to look
[in]rrthe rr to look for

Definition at line 377 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_additional(), ldns_pkt_answer(), ldns_pkt_authority(), ldns_pkt_question(), ldns_rr_list_contains_rr(), LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER, LDNS_SECTION_ANY, LDNS_SECTION_ANY_NOQUESTION, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, and LDNS_SECTION_QUESTION.

◆ ldns_pkt_section_count()

uint16_t ldns_pkt_section_count ( const ldns_pkt p,
ldns_pkt_section  s 

Return the number of RRs in the given section.

Returns the sum of all RRs when LDNS_SECTION_ANY is given. Returns the sum of all non-question RRs when LDNS_SECTION_ANY_NOQUESTION is given.

[in]pthe packet
[in]sthe section
the number of RRs in the given section

Definition at line 404 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_ancount(), ldns_pkt_arcount(), ldns_pkt_nscount(), ldns_pkt_qdcount(), LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER, LDNS_SECTION_ANY, LDNS_SECTION_ANY_NOQUESTION, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, and LDNS_SECTION_QUESTION.

◆ ldns_pkt_empty()

signed char ldns_pkt_empty ( ldns_pkt p)

check if a packet is empty

true: empty, false: not empty

Definition at line 430 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_section_count(), and LDNS_SECTION_ANY.

◆ ldns_pkt_get_section_clone()

ldns_rr_list* ldns_pkt_get_section_clone ( const ldns_pkt p,
ldns_pkt_section  s 

return all the rr_list's in the packet.

Clone the lists, instead of returning pointers.

[in]pthe packet to look in
[in]swhat section(s) to return
ldns_rr_list with the rr's or NULL if none were found

Definition at line 444 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_additional(), ldns_pkt_all(), ldns_pkt_all_noquestion(), ldns_pkt_answer(), ldns_pkt_authority(), ldns_pkt_question(), ldns_rr_list_clone(), LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER, LDNS_SECTION_ANY, LDNS_SECTION_ANY_NOQUESTION, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, and LDNS_SECTION_QUESTION.

◆ ldns_pkt_tsig()

ldns_rr* ldns_pkt_tsig ( const ldns_pkt p)

Return the packet's tsig pseudo rr's.

[in]pthe packet
the tsig rr

Definition at line 465 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_tsig_rr.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_id()

void ldns_pkt_set_id ( ldns_pkt p,
uint16_t  id 

Set the packet's id.

[in]pthe packet
[in]idthe id to set

Definition at line 471 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_id.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_random_id()

void ldns_pkt_set_random_id ( ldns_pkt p)

Set the packet's id to a random value.

[in]pthe packet

Definition at line 477 of file packet.c.

References ldns_get_random(), and ldns_pkt_set_id().

◆ ldns_pkt_set_qr()

void ldns_pkt_set_qr ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's qr bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 485 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_qr.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_aa()

void ldns_pkt_set_aa ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's aa bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 491 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_aa, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_tc()

void ldns_pkt_set_tc ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's tc bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 497 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_tc.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_rd()

void ldns_pkt_set_rd ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's rd bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 503 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_rd.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_additional()

void ldns_pkt_set_additional ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr_list rr 

directly set the additional section

[in]ppacket to operate on
[in]rrrrlist to set

Definition at line 509 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_additional.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_question()

void ldns_pkt_set_question ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr_list rr 

directly set the question section

[in]ppacket to operate on
[in]rrrrlist to set

Definition at line 515 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_question.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_answer()

void ldns_pkt_set_answer ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr_list rr 

directly set the answer section

[in]ppacket to operate on
[in]rrrrlist to set

Definition at line 521 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_answer.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_authority()

void ldns_pkt_set_authority ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr_list rr 

directly set the authority section

[in]ppacket to operate on
[in]rrrrlist to set

Definition at line 527 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_authority.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_cd()

void ldns_pkt_set_cd ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's cd bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 533 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_cd, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_ra()

void ldns_pkt_set_ra ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's ra bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 539 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_ra.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_ad()

void ldns_pkt_set_ad ( ldns_pkt p,
signed char  b 

Set the packet's ad bit.

[in]pthe packet
[in]bthe value to set (boolean)

Definition at line 545 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_ad, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_opcode()

void ldns_pkt_set_opcode ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_pkt_opcode  c 

Set the packet's opcode.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe opcode

Definition at line 551 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_opcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_rcode()

void ldns_pkt_set_rcode ( ldns_pkt p,
uint8_t  c 

Set the packet's response code.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe rcode

Definition at line 557 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_rcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_qdcount()

void ldns_pkt_set_qdcount ( ldns_pkt p,
uint16_t  c 

Set the packet's qd count.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe count

Definition at line 563 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_qdcount.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_ancount()

void ldns_pkt_set_ancount ( ldns_pkt p,
uint16_t  c 

Set the packet's an count.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe count

Definition at line 569 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_ancount, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_nscount()

void ldns_pkt_set_nscount ( ldns_pkt p,
uint16_t  c 

Set the packet's ns count.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe count

Definition at line 575 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_header, and ldns_struct_hdr::_nscount.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_arcount()

void ldns_pkt_set_arcount ( ldns_pkt p,
uint16_t  c 

Set the packet's arcount.

[in]pthe packet
[in]cthe count

Definition at line 581 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_hdr::_arcount, and ldns_struct_pkt::_header.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_querytime()

void ldns_pkt_set_querytime ( ldns_pkt p,
uint32_t  t 

Set the packet's query time.

[in]pthe packet
[in]tthe querytime in msec

Definition at line 587 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_querytime.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_answerfrom()

void ldns_pkt_set_answerfrom ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rdf r 

Set the packet's answering server.

[in]pthe packet
[in]rthe address

Definition at line 593 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_answerfrom.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_timestamp()

void ldns_pkt_set_timestamp ( ldns_pkt p,
struct timeval  timeval 

Set the packet's timestamp.

[in]pthe packet
[in]timevalthe timestamp

Definition at line 599 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::timestamp.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_size()

void ldns_pkt_set_size ( ldns_pkt p,
size_t  s 

Set the packet's size.

[in]pthe packet
[in]sthe size

Definition at line 606 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_size.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_udp_size()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_udp_size ( ldns_pkt packet,
uint16_t  s 

Set the packet's edns udp size.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]sthe size

Definition at line 612 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_udp_size.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_extended_rcode()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_extended_rcode ( ldns_pkt packet,
uint8_t  c 

Set the packet's edns extended rcode.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]cthe code

Definition at line 618 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_extended_rcode.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_version()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_version ( ldns_pkt packet,
uint8_t  v 

Set the packet's edns version.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]vthe version

Definition at line 624 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_version.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_z()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_z ( ldns_pkt packet,
uint16_t  z 

Set the packet's edns z value.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]zthe value

Definition at line 630 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_z.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_data()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_data ( ldns_pkt packet,
ldns_rdf data 

Set the packet's EDNS data.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]datathe data

Definition at line 636 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_data.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_edns_option_list()

void ldns_pkt_set_edns_option_list ( ldns_pkt packet,
ldns_edns_option_list list 

Set the packet's structured EDNS data.

Once an edns_option_list is set (or get), the option list will be used for converting into wireformat.

[in]packetthe packet
[in]listthe options list that will create the data

Definition at line 642 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_list, and ldns_edns_option_list_deep_free().

◆ ldns_pkt_set_section_count()

void ldns_pkt_set_section_count ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_pkt_section  s,
uint16_t  x 

Set a packet's section count to x.

[in]pthe packet
[in]sthe section
[in]xthe section count

Definition at line 651 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_set_ancount(), ldns_pkt_set_arcount(), ldns_pkt_set_nscount(), ldns_pkt_set_qdcount(), LDNS_SECTION_ADDITIONAL, LDNS_SECTION_ANSWER, LDNS_SECTION_ANY, LDNS_SECTION_ANY_NOQUESTION, LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY, and LDNS_SECTION_QUESTION.

◆ ldns_pkt_set_tsig()

void ldns_pkt_set_tsig ( ldns_pkt p,
ldns_rr t 

Set the packet's tsig rr.

[in]pthe packet
[in]tthe tsig rr

Definition at line 672 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_tsig_rr.

◆ ldns_pkt_push_rr()

signed char ldns_pkt_push_rr ( ldns_pkt packet,
ldns_pkt_section  section,
ldns_rr rr 

◆ ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr()

signed char ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr ( ldns_pkt pkt,
ldns_pkt_section  sec,
ldns_rr rr 

push an rr on a packet, provided the RR is not there.

[in]pktpacket to operate on
[in]secwhere to put it
[in]rrrr to push
a boolean which is true when the rr was added

Definition at line 714 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_push_rr(), and ldns_pkt_rr().

◆ ldns_pkt_push_rr_list()

signed char ldns_pkt_push_rr_list ( ldns_pkt packet,
ldns_pkt_section  section,
ldns_rr_list list 

push a rr_list on a packet

[in]packetpacket to operate on
[in]sectionwhere to put it
[in]listthe rr_list to push
a boolean which is true when the rr was added

Definition at line 726 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr_list()

signed char ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr_list ( ldns_pkt pkt,
ldns_pkt_section  sec,
ldns_rr_list list 

push an rr_list to a packet, provided the RRs are not already there.

[in]pktpacket to operate on
[in]secwhere to put it
[in]listthe rr_list to push
a boolean which is true when the rr was added

Definition at line 738 of file packet.c.

References ldns_pkt_safe_push_rr(), ldns_rr_list_rr(), and ldns_rr_list_rr_count().

◆ ldns_pkt_edns()

signed char ldns_pkt_edns ( const ldns_pkt packet)

returns true if this packet needs and EDNS rr to be sent.

At the moment the only reason is an expected packet size larger than 512 bytes, but for instance dnssec would be a good reason too.

[in]packetthe packet to check
true if packet needs edns rr

Definition at line 750 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_list, ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_present, ldns_pkt_edns_data(), ldns_pkt_edns_do(), ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode(), and ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size().

◆ pkt_edns_data2edns_option_list()

ldns_edns_option_list* pkt_edns_data2edns_option_list ( const ldns_rdf edns_data)

◆ ldns_pkt_edns_get_option_list()

ldns_edns_option_list* ldns_pkt_edns_get_option_list ( ldns_pkt packet)

Returns a list of structured EDNS options.

The list will be automatically freed when the packet is freed. The option list can be manipulated and will be used when converting the packet to wireformat with ldns_pkt2wire.

[in]packetthe packet which contains the EDNS data
the list of EDNS options

Definition at line 823 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_list, ldns_pkt_edns_data(), and pkt_edns_data2edns_option_list().

◆ ldns_pkt_new()

◆ ldns_pkt_free()

◆ ldns_pkt_set_flags()

signed char ldns_pkt_set_flags ( ldns_pkt pkt,
uint16_t  flags 

sets the flags in a packet.

[in]pktthe packet to operate on
[in]flagsORed values: LDNS_QR| LDNS_AR for instance
true on success otherwise false

Definition at line 914 of file packet.c.

References LDNS_AA, LDNS_AD, LDNS_CD, ldns_pkt_set_aa(), ldns_pkt_set_ad(), ldns_pkt_set_cd(), ldns_pkt_set_qr(), ldns_pkt_set_ra(), ldns_pkt_set_rd(), ldns_pkt_set_tc(), LDNS_QR, LDNS_RA, LDNS_RD, and LDNS_TC.

◆ ldns_pkt_query_new_frm_str()

ldns_status ldns_pkt_query_new_frm_str ( ldns_pkt **  p,
const char *  rr_name,
ldns_rr_type  rr_type,
ldns_rr_class  rr_class,
uint16_t  flags 

creates a query packet for the given name, type, class.

[out]pthe packet to be returned
[in]rr_namethe name to query for (as string)
[in]rr_typethe type to query for
[in]rr_classthe class to query for
[in]flagspacket flags
LDNS_STATUS_OK or a ldns_status mesg with the error

Definition at line 1083 of file packet.c.

◆ ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new_frm_str()

ldns_status ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new_frm_str ( ldns_pkt **  p,
const char *  rr_name,
ldns_rr_class  rr_class,
uint16_t  flags,
ldns_rr soa 

creates an IXFR request packet for the given name, class.

adds the SOA record to the authority section.

[out]pthe packet to be returned
[in]rr_namethe name to query for (as string)
[in]rr_classthe class to query for
[in]flagspacket flags
[in]soasoa record to be added to the authority section (not copied).
LDNS_STATUS_OK or a ldns_status mesg with the error

Definition at line 1091 of file packet.c.

References LDNS_STATUS_OK, and ldns_str2rdf_dname().

◆ ldns_pkt_query_new()

ldns_pkt* ldns_pkt_query_new ( ldns_rdf rr_name,
ldns_rr_type  rr_type,
ldns_rr_class  rr_class,
uint16_t  flags 

creates a packet with a query in it for the given name, type and class.

[in]rr_namethe name to query for (not copied). The returned packet will take ownership of rr_name, so the caller should not free it.
[in]rr_typethe type to query for
[in]rr_classthe class to query for
[in]flagspacket flags
ldns_pkt* a pointer to the new pkt

Definition at line 1150 of file packet.c.

◆ ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new()

ldns_pkt* ldns_pkt_ixfr_request_new ( ldns_rdf rr_name,
ldns_rr_class  rr_class,
uint16_t  flags,
ldns_rr soa 

creates an IXFR request packet for the given name, type and class.

adds the SOA record to the authority section.

[in]rr_namethe name to query for (not copied). The returned packet will take ownership of rr_name, so the caller should not free it.
[in]rr_classthe class to query for
[in]flagspacket flags
[in]soasoa record to be added to the authority section (not copied).
ldns_pkt* a pointer to the new pkt

Definition at line 1158 of file packet.c.

◆ ldns_pkt_reply_type()

ldns_pkt_type ldns_pkt_reply_type ( const ldns_pkt p)

looks inside the packet to determine what kind of packet it is, AUTH, NXDOMAIN, REFERRAL, etc.

[in]pthe packet to examine
the type of packet

Definition at line 1170 of file packet.c.

References LDNS_PACKET_ANSWER, LDNS_PACKET_NODATA, LDNS_PACKET_NXDOMAIN, LDNS_PACKET_REFERRAL, LDNS_PACKET_UNKNOWN, ldns_pkt_ancount(), ldns_pkt_arcount(), ldns_pkt_get_rcode(), ldns_pkt_nscount(), ldns_pkt_rr_list_by_type(), LDNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN, ldns_rr_list_deep_free(), LDNS_RR_TYPE_NS, LDNS_RR_TYPE_SOA, and LDNS_SECTION_AUTHORITY.

◆ ldns_pkt_clone()

ldns_pkt* ldns_pkt_clone ( const ldns_pkt pkt)

clones the given packet, creating a fully allocated copy

[in]pktthe packet to clone
ldns_pkt* pointer to the new packet

Definition at line 1216 of file packet.c.

References ldns_struct_pkt::_additional, ldns_struct_pkt::_answer, ldns_struct_pkt::_authority, ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_list, ldns_struct_pkt::_edns_present, ldns_struct_pkt::_question, ldns_edns_option_list_clone(), ldns_pkt_aa(), ldns_pkt_ad(), ldns_pkt_additional(), ldns_pkt_ancount(), ldns_pkt_answer(), ldns_pkt_answerfrom(), ldns_pkt_arcount(), ldns_pkt_authority(), ldns_pkt_cd(), ldns_pkt_edns_data(), ldns_pkt_edns_do(), ldns_pkt_edns_extended_rcode(), ldns_pkt_edns_udp_size(), ldns_pkt_edns_version(), ldns_pkt_edns_z(), ldns_pkt_get_opcode(), ldns_pkt_get_rcode(), ldns_pkt_id(), ldns_pkt_new(), ldns_pkt_nscount(), ldns_pkt_qdcount(), ldns_pkt_qr(), ldns_pkt_querytime(), ldns_pkt_question(), ldns_pkt_ra(), ldns_pkt_rd(), ldns_pkt_set_aa(), ldns_pkt_set_ad(), ldns_pkt_set_ancount(), ldns_pkt_set_answerfrom(), ldns_pkt_set_arcount(), ldns_pkt_set_cd(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_data(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_do(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_extended_rcode(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_option_list(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_udp_size(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_version(), ldns_pkt_set_edns_z(), ldns_pkt_set_id(), ldns_pkt_set_nscount(), ldns_pkt_set_opcode(), ldns_pkt_set_qdcount(), ldns_pkt_set_qr(), ldns_pkt_set_querytime(), ldns_pkt_set_ra(), ldns_pkt_set_rcode(), ldns_pkt_set_rd(), ldns_pkt_set_size(), ldns_pkt_set_tc(), ldns_pkt_set_timestamp(), ldns_pkt_set_tsig(), ldns_pkt_size(), ldns_pkt_tc(), ldns_pkt_timestamp(), ldns_pkt_tsig(), ldns_rdf_clone(), ldns_rr_clone(), ldns_rr_list_clone(), and ldns_rr_list_deep_free().

Variable Documentation

◆ ldns_edns_flags

ldns_lookup_table ldns_edns_flags[]
Initial value:
= {
{ 3600, "do"},
{ 0, NULL}

EDNS flags.

Definition at line 33 of file packet.c.