Python module questions

Vivien Malerba vmalerba at
Wed Oct 17 20:56:55 UTC 2018

Many thanks for your quick and helpful answers, I will try your suggestions
Best regards,

Le mar. 16 oct. 2018 à 17:23, George Thessalonikefs via Unbound-users <
unbound-users at> a écrit :

> Hi Vivien,
> On 14/10/2018 17:38, Vivien Malerba via Unbound-users wrote:
> > Hi!
> > I'm using the unbound server in a not yet published open source project,
> > specifically the python module to enable filtering of queries (for
> > example depending on the client's IP address).
> >
> > Currently I can't have my python called everytime a query is processed,
> > is there a way of configuring unbound so that the operate() function is
> > called even though the server already has the answer in its cache?
> >
> > If not in Python, is there a mechanism to extend unbound in C?
> The python module is part of the module logic in unbound (together with
> the validator and iterator modules for example) and by default the
> operate() function is supposed to be called when it is the module's time
> of execution.
> The modules start after unbound couldn't answer with local data or from
> cache.
> However since version 1.6.0 there is the possibility to register inplace
> callback functions that will be called just before:
> - replying with local data or Chaos (CH),
> - replying from cache,
> - replying with SERVFAIL,
> - replying with a resolved query.
> Since version 1.8.0 the client's IP address is also available when
> replying with local data and from cache.
> You can register inplace callback functions during your module's (either
> C or Python) initialization.
> >
> > Also, it's very difficult to find documentation about the python module,
> > the old documentation seems to have been removed, replaced by a page
> > stating "/4 April 2018/ We are in the final stages of creating this part
> > of the documentation. Please check back in a few days. If there is
> > anything specific you are searching for, do not hestitate to contact us
> > <>>."
> > Is there any book or more current documentation available?
> We changed our website's design and unfortunately we didn't have time to
> incorporate sphinx's output to the new design yet.
> For now you can build the Python module documentation from source by
> compiling '--with-pythonmodule' (which I think you already do), making
> sure that you have sphinx installed and running
>         make doc
> The documentation will be generated in doc/html/pythonmod.
> You could take a look at the example named 'Inplace callbacks'.
> I hope that helps,
> -- George
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