[nsd-users] NSD does not automatically start on FreeBSD reboot

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap at NLnetLabs.nl
Thu Mar 18 09:05:01 UTC 2010

    Being the NSD FreeBSD port maintainer I noticed this thread on the list
    (although I still didn't receive your report to me directly).  I have long
    ago stopped running FreeBSD+NSD setups but have been maintaining the port
    the best I can, its open for grabs if anyone is interested...

If you want, I can take over the port. I already do the openddnssec
port, and am somewhat closer to the nsd source.

    >From what it looks to me I have to ask if you remembered to
    put nsd_enable="YES" into your /etc/rc.conf file?

    The rc.d scripts do not have to end with ".sh", it affects how
    they are run, ".sh" scripts are sourced into the current shell
    rather than a subshell and the startup process will terminate
    if the script does, non ".sh" scripts on the other hand are not
    sourced into the current shell and do not stop the startup
    process if they terminate.  As far as I know this also applies
    to FreeBSD 6.0

The rc scripts methods of FreeBSD have been in a state of flux for
a while so this might indeed be part of the problem.


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